Students’ Perception of the Implementation Facebook Group in Learning Writing Skill

Geminastiti Sakkir(1*), A. Eritme Yustika Abrar(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This paper finds the students perception on the implementation of Facebook in writing classroom with the research question:  What are students’ perceptions of the implementation Facebook group in learning writing skill? This study was conducted at the STKIP Muhammadiyah Rappang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. There were 20 students of second semester English education department in 2016/2017 academic year as the sample of this study. The data obtained from the questionnaire about the students’ perception on the implementation of Facebook group in writing class were scored by using Likert scale. The data analyzed by using percentage. It aimed to measure the respondents’ opinion. Then, to interpret the students’ interest responds, the researcher used the interval estimate. The result found that there were no students who states negative statement to the use of Facebook, 9 students (45%) were strongly positive who get score in interval 65-80 and 11 students (55%) were positive category in interval 50-64. The mean score of the students’ perception is 64.85 which mean it is in a positive category according to the range of students’ perception score. It means that the implementation of Facebook group in teaching writing is interested to the students.

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