Optimalisasi fungsi pekarangan untuk peningkatan ketahanan pangan keluarga kurang mampu

Ismail Ismail(1*), Rosdiana Ngitung(2), Nurhikmah Nurhikmah(3),

(1) Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


In addition to functioning aesthetically, the home
yard can be optimized for the needs of fulfilling vegetable
food in the context of family food security, especially for poor
families. Optimizing the land area can be done by utilizing all
zoning for the cultivation of various vegetable crops. Common
problems that are often found are soil conditions and limited
knowledge and family life skills. This problem is experienced
by underprivileged families in the District of Suppa, Pinrang
Regency. To overcome this problems, Makassar State
University students through the KKN-PPM program have
conducted training and mentoring for 58 heads of
underprivileged families in the cultivation of vegetable
hydroponic systems, making liquid organic fertilizer (POC)
and making compost products by using takakura composting
method. The training and mentoring activities took place in
July to August 2018. The main objective of this program is to
increase the knowledge and skills of poor families in the
cultivation of vegetable hydroponic systems, making POC and
takakura compost in the context of family food security. The
results of the program are in the form of kale and spinach
vegetables, POC and compost. Vegetables harvested from the
hydroponic system can reduce the cost of family food needs by
32.55% of shopping for kale and spinach vegetables per
month. From the implementation of the KKN-PPM program
activities in Suppa District, Pinrang Regency, it can be
concluded that the knowledge and skills of poor families in the
complete hydroponic system, making POC and compost
fertilizer increased. When optimizing the function of a
sustainable yard, food security can be improved. The vegetable
products produced can reduce the expenditure of kale and
spinach vegetables for underprivileged families by 32.5%.

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