emberdayaan remaja melalui keterampilan vokasional guna menumbuhkembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan di Kabupaten Pinrang

Hendra Jaya(1*), Sapto Haryoko(2), Saliruddin Saliruddin(3), Ilham Thaief(4),

(1) Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Several related activities include the following: 1)
Applying vocational training models in improving
entrepreneurial behaviour for the community (Young
Entrepreneurs, Young Women, and Youth Organization)
Paleteang sub-district, Province of Pinrang; 2) Providing
guidance to the youth community through mentoring in order
to achieve the desired goals. The companion can also provide
benefits as a provision in facing and solving life and life
problems as an independent person. Supporting factors for
program implementation include: (1) sufficient support from
the district, (2) provision of venue facilities by the district in
carrying out activities, (3) good cooperation between local
implementing activities and Youth members. Factors
inhibiting the implementation of activities, among others: (1)
limited transportation equipment owned so that it is rather
difficult to coordinate (2) the distance between the location of
the activity with the remote head of district office so that it is
rather difficult to consult with the district (3) lack of
enthusiasm from the community in participating in training
due to busyness (work). Based on the achievement of the
results of the courses and training on electronic, computer and
multimedia vocational skills training services Ex. Benteng
Sawitto Village, Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency can be
summarized as follows: 1) Increased community participation
in electronic service programs, computer maintenance, and
graphic design (multimedia) in Benteng Sawitto Village,
Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency; 2) Increasing community
knowledge and skills in electronic service, computer
maintenance, and graphic design (multimedia); 3) Increased
public awareness about collective behaviour that is not good
for the economy in Indonesia so that people can repair
themselves if there are damaged.

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