Design of Learning Media with Visual Communication Design Methodology

Abdul Azis Said(1*), Dian Cahyadi(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper is the result of research entitled 'Designing Learning Media Based on Information Technology' which aims to design / create prototype multimedia instructional media software, where the product is finally recorded in DVD disc with certain protection system.

The methodology applied in the research is a 'design research methodology' covering three stages: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. In the analysis process, identification and analysis of the story board of each section of teaching materials to adjust the learning objectives, as well as identification of key factors related to the media production techniques. In the synthesis process, organizing and compiling the database (interactive programming), as well as improvements according to recommendation/input from evaluation result, to produce software system with security system. Evaluation is done by trial and product verification based on problem identification and learning objectives.

The benefit of this research is to make it easier for teachers in universities in the learning process of the subjects that are managed, and can also be used by the parties who need it. Furthermore, the systems, methods, and patterns that have been generated can be expanded-apply to other courses.


design, visual communication design, instructional media, teaching materials

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