Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa Berbasis Konflik Kognitif untuk Pembelajaran Daring Fluida Statis

Bondan Ajidewantara(1*), Iko Dyah Puspitarini(2),

(1) Universitas Sebelas Maret
(2) Universitas Sebelas Maret
(*) Corresponding Author


Online learning (E-Learning) has become an alternative learning in the form of experiment, but its application still has shortcomings such as the occurrence of misconceptions even at the college student level, so more effective learning guidelines are needed. The research in this article was made to develop cognitive conflict-based Student Worksheets on static fluid material for online learning for physics education students and to find out the assessment of the developed Student Worksheets. This study uses a research and development approach with analysis, design and development steps. The results of the Student Worksheet assessment were obtained using a validation questionnaire aimed at validators in the physics education program of Sebelas Maret University. Assessment aspects of Student Worksheets consist of appearance, content and language. The results of the validation show that the appearance gets a score of 17.67, the content gets a score of 74.3 and the language gets a score of 18.33. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the Student Worksheet for static fluid material for Physics Education students gets a score of 110.33 so that it has very good criteria and can be used in online lectures.

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