Students’ attitude towards the use of twitter as a learning English aid

Sudiran Sudiran(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Recently, many students have used Twitter. It is one of the Information and Communication Technology applications that can be used as a means of communication from which students are able to develop their English proficiency. This study aims to reveal the students’ attitude towards the use of Twitter as a means of learning English.This research used descriptive method with questionnaire as data collection technique. Respondents were 100 students who took Reading for Information class at English Education Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. The questionnaire consisted of 21 statements with five choices in each, and it was designed to know the student's attitude towardsthe use of Twitter.The results showed that students had a positive attitude towards the use of Twitter as a meansof learning English. The students' attitudes could be broken down into three points that needed attention: first, students had a positive attitude towards Twitter as media to communicate in English.Second, students had a positive attitude towards Twitter as a means of improving English vocabulary. And finally, students had a positive attitude towards Twitter as a tool to improve their skills of translating texts in English into Indonesian. This was related to twitter as part of Information and Communication Technology that helped students to access information regarding English learning materials

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