The Chinese mime game in teaching vocabulary on EFL classroom

Andi Patimah Ramarh Apdy(1*), Andi Asrifan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The objective of this research was to find out whether or not using Chinese mime game can develop the student vocabulary mastery. This research was designed by using the pre-experimental method. The population of the researcher was of MTs As’adiyah No 5 Ongkoe wajo and took the sample by using cluster sampling which the Seventh Grade of MTs As’adiyah No 5 Ongkoe Wajo. The data were collected using vocabulary tests applied in pre-test and post-test. The result of the data analysis showed that the mean score in pre-test 59.4 was lower than the mean score in post-test 85.2. T-table value with degree of freedom (df)= N-1=19-1=18 and the students for significant level 0.05 = 2.101. T-test value (25.45) was higher than the t-table value (2.101). It means that alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It can be concluded that using Chinese Mime Game can develop students’ vocabulary mastery of Seventh Grade of MTs As’adiyah 5 Ongkoe wajo

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