Critical thinking and speaking proficiency: two inseparable skills in global era

Ismet Magma Anugerah(1*), Chuzaimah Dahlan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Living in this 21st century challenges the world citizen including ESP students  and those who are in needs to go for global market to have various competencies. One of them is having the competency in critical thinking. The more critical the people are, the wider opportunity they will get in the workforce. This competence would be even better if it collaborates with speaking proficiency. In facts, Indonesian students thinking skill and speaking skill are still being a problem. The students are not ready to face the world due to the lack of effective strategy for them to express their mind in their own fields.These deficiencies must be eradicated or minimized at least in the purpose of preparing for more competitive human resources. We have to equip the students with certain strategy to enable them to think critically and speaking fluently. This paper aims at describing the strategy for the students to identify issues from empirical studies, to formulate precise personal point of view and to provide data or information as evidences related to the needs of working skill.

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