Pemanfaatan tanaman lokal untuk apotek hidup di Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng Kabupaten Sidrap

Muh. Said Hasan(1*),

(1) Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, FIK, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Aka-Akae Village is a Watang Sidenreng District,
which is a village with a tropical climate as other villages in
the Indonesia. There are two seasons there, namely dry season
and rainy season. Climate also has a direct effect on cropping
patterns in the villages. The average annual rainfall in the area
is 2,047 Mm, the number of rainy months is 6 months, above
the daily average temperature of 30ºC, and a height of sea
level is 200 mdl. The aim of the activity was the utilization of
the potential of the local plant area that will fill, fulfill most of
the remaining land/warfare at home which will become a
living pharmacy that has a huge benefit and allocation for
preventive, promotive (improvement of health status) and
curative (treatment). Using part of the land in front of the
house (yard) to be planted with local plants has more
advantages if it can be used as a living pharmacy. This KKNPPM

program was expected to improve the quality of life and
increase the income of the community. The methods used were
training, mentoring, lectures, practices and demonstrations.
This KKN-PPM program also involved partner institutions,
health center of traditional medicine community, local
government of Sidrap Regency, and community leaders in
Watang Sidenreng District, Aka-akae village. The number of
students involved was 30 people with varied disciplines.

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