Pembelajaran berbasis google classroom bagi guru sekolah lanjutan

Muhiddin Palennari(1*), Ismail Ismail(2), Abd. Muis(3),

(1) FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Teachers in Enrekang are known to be very active in following the development of education, especially those related
to teacher professional development. Several activities in the past five years have been included, including carrying out Focus
Group Discussion
) which discusses the problems faced by teachers in the field, education and training activities,
workshops, seminars, and a number of other scientific gatherings. These activities have a positive impact on improving teacher
professional competence. However, in certain cases, they still experience a number of problems that demand to be resolved
immediately, including learning based on information and communication technology, including learning based on Google
classroom. Google classroom
GC) is known as one of the efficient and effective learning media in increasing student learning
activities and outcomes. Thanks to this, secondary school teachers in Enrekang Regency have not used it due to limited
knowledge and skills. To overcome the problems faced by partners, Google classroom-based learning design training was
conducted using workshops, discussion and question and answer methods, and independent assignments. The results of this
activity can improve the ability of participants
(secondary school teachers
) in terms of applying Google classroom based

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