Upaya peningkatan minat siswa membaca partitur dalam bermain gitar melalui media audio minus one di Yamaha Musik Makassar

Andi Ihsan(1*), Faisal Faisal(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Yamaha Music Makassar is one of the non-formal music education institutions in Makassar. One of the instruments taught at Yamaha Music Makassar is a guitar instrument. The guitar instrument class is one of the classes that are in great demand by students, this is evident in almost all branches of Yamaha Music Makassar where the classes of guitar instruments have been fully prepared. In the learning process the class uses a private system with a duration of 30 minutes per student. The material provided consists of six (6) level levels starting from level 1 or basic level. In overcoming the problem of the learning process where the material given seems boring, the teacher develops media in the form of accompaniment music in the form of minus one which is used by students to play the material prepared in the material book according to the level or level of the student. This minus one media is proven to be able to arouse students' interest in the learning process even though there are some obstacles that become the inhibiting factors when using media minus one in reading scores on guitar students at Yamaha Music Makassar.

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