Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Pada Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Ulul Albab Makassar

Enung Mariah(1*), Sarah Novianti Latuconsina(2), Fatkhul Ulum(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Learning Evaluation is  a process sustainable whit aiming to determine value of learning activity in class. This research  tries to describe Learning Evaluation of Arabic Language on Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Ulul Albab Makassar by describe the compatibility between textbooks, methods with students' Arabic learning outcomes. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method (descriptive analysis). The object of research is students of Class X to class XII. The student is divided into two departments, there are Department of Social Sciences (IPS) and Natural Sciences (IPA). Total students who become the object of research are 180 students. The purpose of research was to understand the purpose of Arabic language learning, curriculum, methods, and teacher's potential in teaching Arabic.  The results of research are the harmony between the curriculum and methods in learning Arabic. The evaluation value of learning outcomes is the average value of student results are 84.40. this value is not maximal because there are not described the four language skills.

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