Zonasi aktifitas wisata bahari di Pantai Wakka Kabupaten Pinrang

Ahmad Bahar(1*), Sharifuddin bin Andy Omar(2), Budimawan Budimawan(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Marine tourism area so that it can be utilized sustainably, the utilization that is carried out must be in harmony between marine tourism activities and the natural conditions of the region. This study aims to determine the zoning of marine tourism activities in Wakka Beach, Tadampalie Village, Pinrang Regency. The data used in this study uses primary and secondary data. Primary data collection uses the field survey method, while secondary data is obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Pinrang Regency. Determination of zoning of marine tourism activities using the method of focus group discussion (FGD) and participatory mapping. The sampling of respondents involved in group discussions used a deliberate sampling method based on differences in involvement in daily maritime tourism activities. Determination of zoning in group discussions and participatory mapping is based on the safety and comfort aspects of tourists and oceanographic conditions of the waters. The zoning results of marine tourism activities that can be carried out on Wakka Beach are divided into 3 public zones, namely the zone for swimming and bathing, the boating zone and banana boat, and the zone for beach activity. The closest location to the beach is zone for swimming and bathing covering areas is 0.4 ha, 1 ha for boating and banana boat zone, and zone for beach activity is 1.3 ha.

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