Analisis status gizi dengan tingkat kesegaran jasmani Mahasiswa FIK UNM Makassar

Iskandar Iskandar(1*), Masjumi Nur(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The problem of this research is whether nutritional status has something to do with the physical fitness level of FIK UNM students. This study aims to determine the nutritional status of the physical fitness level of FIK UNM students. This research is expost facto, with the population being all students of FIK UNM. Then drawn proportional random sampling, resulting in a sample of 30 students. Collecting nutritional status data by measuring height and weight, then continued with a physical fitness level test in the field. The results showed that; there is a correlation between nutritional status and physical fitness level of FIK UNM students with r count value (r0) = 0.683 (P> 0.05). Then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. This implies that if adequate nutritional status will increase the physical fitness level of students.

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Asmira Sutarto. 1980. Ilmu Gizi SGO. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Rineka Cipta.

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