Pengembangan Buku Fisika peserta didik berbasis kearifan lokal untuk meningkatkan literasi sains peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas

M A Martawijaya(1*), Mutahharah Hasyim(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Book Physics of the learners or abbreviated BFPD is the support system used in Indonesia in the discharge of educator learning process, including on subjects of Physics in high school. The main product produced is BFPD-based local wisdom to improve science literacy learners comprising: a) lading local wisdom; b) science content; c) context of sins; d) competence of science; and e) attitude of science. For the purposes of product quality, the researchers adapted the criteria according to which Nieeven mengcakup kevalidan and the practicality of the products developed. The instruments used in this study, includes assessment sheet BFPD-based local wisdom to improve science literacy learners and literacy ability test sheet science learners. The subject of learners targeted development BFPD are those that have the most science literacy is low and most highly each 1 (one) person based on preliminary tests, educators, and school principal in SMA Negeri 8 Maros. The results of this research show that BFPD-based local wisdom developed with very valid based on expert judgement, based on practical use of keterlaksanaan BFPD, and effectively based on the increase in science literacy learners. So BFPD-based local wisdom is declared valid, practical, and effective way to improve science literacy learners from high school.

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