Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pembentukan/Penanaman Karakter Syariahpreneursip di Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros

Ibrahim Ibrahim(1*), Dalilul Falihin(2), Rusdi Rusdi(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract.  This study aims to analyze what factors influence the formation/inculcation of syariahpreneursip character in the Nahdlatul Ulum Islamic boarding school. This research includes qualitative research. This study uses a phenomenological approach. Analysis of the research data was carried out by categorization. Data collection uses methods: interviews, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. checking the validity of the data in this study include: Observation Perseverance, Triangulation, Detailed Description, Auditing. The results of the study show that the inculcation/formation of the character of syariahprenuership is determined by several factors. These factors are determined by the intensity and quality as well as the depth and duration. The variant of influence caused by these factors is also determined by the accumulatively aggressiveness of the students in it to understand and respond back to the transformation within themselves. This means that the stronger and longer the influence of these factors runs, the greater the effect on the formation/planting of the character of Islamic prenuership students and vice versa. The factors that influence the inculcation/formation of the character of syariah-prenuership students are the factor that encourages the spiritual strength of the pesantren civitas through long contact and communication, the internal situation of the Islamic boarding school which is dominated by strong religious values, Islamic attitudes and behavior, (DNA) business parents, relatives and relatives, presenting business/shariah preunership practitioners to Islamic boarding schools, coaches, teachers and even managers conducting business activities, existence of infrastructure facilities and business units of the foundation, atmosphere of the surrounding environment or external boarding schools, visits/study tours to places place of business/business, and parents' socio-economic factors.


Keywords:  Syariahpreneurship, Instilling/Creating Character, Pesantren

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