Media Pembelajaran Praktik Sistem Kelistrikan Teknologi Sepeda Motor

Syafiuddin Parenrengi(1*), Andi Muhammad Taufik Ali(2), Jumadin Jumadin(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to develop a learning media for motorcycle electrical practices that are valid, practical and effective for use in Motorcycle Technology courses majoring in Automotive Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University. The motorcycle electrical system that was developed consisted of the body's electrical system and the signs and engine ignition systems. The results of media validation by motorcycle media trainer experts stated that the developed media was valid. As well as the results of user (student) assessments and the results of their implementation, the developed media was declared practical. The quasi-experimental results of the control group with the experimental group gave better results than the control group. This indicates that the electric motorbike practice model of the whole model motorbike developed was effectively used for practice in the Motorcycle Technology course at the Department of Automotive Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University.

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