Validitas Model Pembelajaran CinQASE untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Individual Critical Thinking (INCT) dan Collaborative Critical Thinking (CCT)

Hunaidah M(1*), Endang Susantini(2), Wasis Wasis(3),

(1) Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Halu Oleo
(2) Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
(3) Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas isi dan konstruk model pembelajaran CinQASE yang dikembangkan untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis kolaboratif  mahasiswa sains di LPTK. Data validitas model pembelajaran CinQASE dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar validasi model pembelajaran CinQASE meliputi instrumen validitas isi dan instrument validitas konstruk. Data diperoleh melalui hasil validasi pakar dalam Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil FGD, menunjukkan Validitas isi model CinQASE ditinjau dari semua aspek validitas isi mendapatkan criteria penilaian valid dan sangat valid. Setiap aspek penilaian kebaruan pengetahuan ilmiah dalam pengembangan model CinQASE memenuhi criteria validitas. Koefisien reliabilitas semua aspek validitas isi model CinQASE berada pada rentang 86%-100%. Koefisien reliabilitas berada di atas ketentuan inter-observer agreement sebesar 75% (Borich, 1994), Sehingga hasil penilaian validitas isi model dengan mengguanakan penilaian validitas isi model CinQASE dalam kriteria reliabel. Pada menunjukan bahwa skor validitas konstruk setiap komponen model CinQASE pada rentang 3,00-4,00; sehingga memenuhi kriteria validitas. Validitas konstruk pada  semua aspek validitas konstruk mendapatkan kriteria penilaian sangat valid, Koefisien reliabilitas semua aspek validitas kontruk model CinQASE pada rentang 86%-100%. Berdasarkan hasil yang disajikan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran CinQASE layak digunakan untuk diterapkan pada uji coba karena memenuhi kriteria validitas model yang dikembangkan.

Kata Kunci: Validitas, Model Pembelajaran Cinqase, Collaborative Critical Thinking (CCT).


This study aims to describe the content validity and construct of the CinQASE learning model which was developed to train collaborative critical thinking skills of science students in LPTK. The data validity of the CinQASE learning model was collected using the instrument validation sheet of the CinQASE learning model covering the instruments of content validity and instrument construct validity. Data was obtained through the results of expert validation in Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGD results, showing the content validity of the CinQASE model in terms of all aspects of content validity, obtained valid and very valid assessment criteria. Every aspect of assessing the novelty of scientific knowledge in the development of the CinQASE model meets the validity criteria. The reliability coefficient of all aspects of the content validity of the CinQASE model is in the range 86% -100%. The reliability coefficient is above the provisions of the inter-observer agreement of 75% (Borich, 1994), so that the results of the validity of the content of the model are assessed by using the validity of the contents of the CinQASE model in reliable criteria. On showing that the score of construct validity for each component of the CinQASE model is in the range of 3.00-4.00; so that it meets the validity criteria. The construct validity in all aspects of construct validity gets very valid assessment criteria, the reliability coefficient of all aspects of the validity of the contract of the CinQASE model ranges from 86% -100%. Based on the results presented, it can be concluded that the CinQASE learning model is feasible to be applied to the trial because it meets the validity criteria of the model developed.

Keywords: Validity, Cinqase Learning Model, Collaborative Critical Thinking (CCT).

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