Analisis Pola Penyelesaian Soal Fisika Peserta Didik SMA Kabupaten Majene

Hutri Handayani Isra(1*), Helmi Helmi(2), Muhammad Arsyad(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan menganalisis pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 1 peserta didik SMA kabupaten Majene, menganalisis pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 2 peserta didik SMA kabupaten Majene, menganalisis pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 3 peserta didik SMA kabupaten Majene, dan merancang pola penyelesaian soal fisika peserta didik SMA Kabupaten Majene. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimanakah pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 1 peserta didik SMA Kabupaten Majene, bagaimanakah pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 2 peserta didik SMA Kabupaten Majene, bagaimanakah pola penyelesaian soal fisika level 3 peserta didik SMA Kabupaten Majene, dan bagaimana rancangan pola penyelesaian soal fisika peserta didik SMA kabupaten Majene. Populasi dalam penelitian ini, seluruh peserta didik kelas XI SMA Kabupaten Majene terkhusus finalis Olimpiade Sains Nasional Fisika. Sampel yang selanjutnya dijadikan responden dipilih berdasarkan kemampuan responden mengkontruksi soal dengan baik, mampu menyelesaikan soal dengan tepat, mampu memilih sasaran penyelesaian, memiliki kemampuan penyelesaian yang terstruktur. Hasil analisis deskriptif kualitatif dalam penelitian ini dari 5 strategi acuan model Minnesota menghasilkan 20 langkah penyelesaian yang menjadi pola penyelesaian peserta didik SMA di Kabupaten Majene. Yaitu membuat sketsa ringan, menganalisis komponen besaran, membaca kembali persoalan, mengumpulkan informasi tentang besaran atau variable yang belum diketahui, menentukan konsep/prinsip, menentukan pendekatan, focus menemukan yang ditanya, mengidentifikasi variable, membuat hubungan kuantitatif, membuat persamaan, membuat hubungan kuantitatif, membuat persamaan, menurunkan persamaan, menentukan informasi cukup, merancang penyelesaian matematika, membuat substitusi, membuat perhitungan, mendapatkan jawaban, meninjau jawaban, meninjau satuan, memeriksa kembali persoalan, membuat pembetulan.

Kata kunci: Pola Penyelesaian, Soal Level 1, Soal Level 2 Dan Soal Level 3


This research is a qualitative descriptive study aimed at analyzing patterns of solving physics questions at level 1 Majene senior high school students, analyzing patterns of solving physics questions level 2 Majene senior high school students, analyzing patterns of solving physics questions at level 3 Majene senior high school students, and designing patterns solving physics questions for Majene Regency senior high school students. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the level 1 physics problem solving patterns of Majene Regency senior high school students, how is the level 2 physics problem solving pattern of Majene Regency senior high school students, how is the level 3 physics problem solving pattern of Majene Regency senior high school students, and how is the design pattern of problem solving patterns physics of Majene senior high school students. The population in this study, all students of class XI Majene Regency High School, especially the finalists of the National Science Physics Olympiad. The sample which is then used as a respondent is chosen based on the ability of the respondent to construct the questions well, be able to solve the problem appropriately, be able to choose a goal of completion, have a structured settlement ability.The results of a qualitative descriptive analysis in this study of 5 Minnesota model reference strategies produced 20 completion steps which became the pattern of completion of high school students in Majene Regency. Namely making light sketches, analyzing the components of the magnitude, re-reading the problem, gathering information about quantities or variables that are not yet known, determining concepts / principles, determining the approach, focus on finding the questioned, identifying variables, making quantitative relationships, making equations, making quantitative relationships, make equations, derive equations, determine enough information, design mathematical solutions, make substitutions, make calculations, get answers, review answers, review units, re-examine problems, make corrections.

Keywords: Pattern of Problem solving, Questions Level 1, Questions Level 2 and Questions Level 3.

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