Pengaruh Internal Locus of Control Terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa SMA Negeri Di Sinjai Barat

Trisnawati Trisnawati(1*), Sya Bachri Thalib(2), Rachmawaty Rachmawaty(3),

(1) UNM
(2) UNM
(3) UNM
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence between the internal locus of control towards motivation and students’s learning outcomes. The population in this study is all students of class XI IPA SMA Negeri in Sinjai Barat. Sampling used is a saturated sampling technique with the number of 85 students. Research instrument in the form of questionnaire which is used to obtain Internal locus of control data, and learning motivation. Documentation, used to derive the value of biological cognitive learning outcomes. Student cognitive learning outcomes data obtained from semester test value. Data analysis techniques were performed by inferential statistical analysis through path analysis. Result of inferential analysis with computer program AMOS for windows obtained sig value. more than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is a direct influence between the internal locus of control to students' motivation and learning outcomes.

Keywords: internal locus of control, learning motivation, learning outcomes

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