Irsyad Irsyad(1*), Sufyarma M(2), Afrizal Tanjung(3),

(1) Dosen AP FIP Univ. Negeri Padang, Sumatra Barat
(2) Dosen AP FIP Univ. Negeri Padang, Sumatra Barat
(3) Mahasiswa AP FIP Univ. Negeri Padang, Sumatra Barat
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of employees, supervision and leadership relations supervisory leadership with employee performance in the Regional Personnel Agency of West Sumatra Province. Population in this research is employees of Regional Personnel Board of West Sumatera Province which amounted 52 people. The sample of this study was taken using krejcie table with Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique and obtained 51 samples. The instrument of this study is Likert Scale Questionnaire with five choices that have been tested for its validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by using product moment correlation formula. Based on the results of research that has been done can be concluded that supervision of the leadership on the category is high enough that is 72% and employee performance in good enough category that is equal to 79%. The results show that the correlation coefficient between leadership supervision with significant employee performance is rxy = 0.529 > rtable = 0.361 at 99% confidence level. On the correlation significance there is also a significant relationship between supervisory leadership with employee performance is tcount = 4.361 > ttable 2.704 at 99% confidence level. Thus the hypothesis tested is acceptable. The hypothesis reads a significant relationship between supervisory leadership and employee performance.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Administrasi Pendidikan dan Manajemen Pendidikan Hotel Remcy, Makasar, April 21, 2018 ISBN: 978-602-52158-0-3