Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Student-Centre Learning Methods in Class 2 of SD Inpres Bonde
(1) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(2) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(3) Universitas Tadulako
(*) Corresponding Author
Monotonous teaching methods that are not student-oriented will cause a lack of motivation and student activity in the learning process, which in turn affects students' learning outcomes. Teachers need to determine appropriate methods as this impacts the success of learning. Therefore, teachers and students require an effective and innovative learning model.The learning model used in this study is the Student-Centered Learning model. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of Grade I students at SD Inpres Bonde through the application of the Student-Centered Learning model.This study employs Classroom Action Research (CAR) methods, conducted in two cycles. The data collection technique used is a learning outcome test, while the data analysis technique applied is descriptive quantitative data analysis.The results of this study indicate that mathematics learning outcomes through the application of the Student-Centered Learning model for Grade I students have improved. This is evidenced by an increase in learning outcomes between cycles, from an average of 66, to 74, and then further increasing to 81.
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