Exploring Technology and Local Context in Learning Biological Anthropology through Vygotsky's Social Constructivism Approach
(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
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Conventional learning approaches in Biological Anthropology are often ineffective in developing students' critical thinking skills because they focus on one-way knowledge transfer. The social constructivism approach proposed by Vygotsky offers an alternative by emphasizing social interaction and collaboration as the core of the learning process, but its application in learning Biological Anthropology is still limited. This study aims to analyze how the application of the social constructivism paradigm can improve students' critical thinking skills in learning Biological Anthropology. The method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), by analyzing literature related to social constructivism, critical thinking, and learning Biological Anthropology. The findings show that the social constructivism approach, through the application of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) concept and scaffolding, is effective in improving students' analysis and synthesis skills. Likewise, the use of technology and the linking of material with local paleoanthropological sites strengthens student engagement and understanding. In conclusion, the application of Vygotsky's social constructivism paradigm contributes positively to the development of critical thinking skills in learning Biological Anthropology. Therefore, it is recommended that higher education institutions integrate this approach more widely and provide training for lecturers to support its implementation.
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