Enhancing Learning Motivation Through Gamification: Innovative Strategies In Education
(1) Makassar State University
(*) Corresponding Author
In modern education, enhancing student motivation remains a significant challenge. Traditional learning approaches often fail to engage students, leading to disengagement. Gamification, incorporating game elements like points, badges, and leaderboards, has emerged as an innovative solution to boost motivation and engagement. Gamification not only makes learning enjoyable but also taps into the brain’s reward system, reinforcing positive behaviors. Studies have shown that platforms such as Kahoot and Quizizz have a profound impact on student motivation by offering interactive and competitive learning environments. These tools encourage participation, foster collaboration, and allow for real-time feedback, thus improving learning outcomes. Despite the clear advantages, challenges remain, including resource availability, curriculum integration, and the complexity of evaluating learning outcomes. Research, including surveys, highlights that 92.4% of participants believe gamification enhances learning, with 95.4% finding Kahoot and Quizizz engaging. However, its success depends on effective implementation and alignment with educational goals. This paper explores the potential of gamification in education and suggests that its strategic use can lead to more dynamic and effective learning environments.
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