Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Asing

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Al-Fashahah: Journal of Arabic Education, Linguistics, and Literature

Al-Fashahah is published by the Arabic Language Education Study Program, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Languages and Letters, Makassar State University. It is a research journal that publishes various research reports, literature studies and scientific writings with the object of Arabic language studies, both language education, linguistics, literature, and Arabic culture. It is published regularly twice a year in April and October. Every article published in Al-Fashahah will undergo an assessment process by a peer reviewer.

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Wen Chuang:Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology

Journal title: Wen Chuang: Journal of Foreign Language Studies, Linguistics, Education, Literatures, Cultures, and Sinology
InitialsWen Chuang
DOI: prefix 10.26858 by
Online ISSN: 2827-9441
Frequency: Biannually (February and August)
Editor In Chief: Misnawaty Usman
Publisher: Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin, Universitas Negeri Makassar
Citation Analysis: Garuda | Sinta | Google Scholar
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