Deskripsi Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share Terhadap Self-efficacy Matematis Siswa
(1) Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi pengaruh model pembelajaran think-pair-share terhadap self-efficacy matematis siswa. Pengambilan subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IPS di salah satu SMA di Makassar. Pengambilan subjek dilakukan dengan memberikan tes angket kepada siswa kelas X IPS 3 yang kemudian dari hasil tersebut dipilih 6 subjek penelitian berdasarkan kategori yang ada. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket self-efficacy yang memuat 21 butir soal yang bersesuaian dengan dimensi-dimensi self-efficacy dan RPP yang bersesuaian dengan sintaks model pembelajaran think-pair-share. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan self-efficacy subjek kategori tinggi berpengaruh baik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kedua subjek telah memiliki nilai dimensi strength, level, dan magnitude yang cukup tinggi. Untuk self-efficacy subjek kategori sedang, setelah pemberian soal yang tidak terlalu sulit pada pertemuan awal dan proses diskusi yang berbeda, mampu mempengarhi dimensi level mereka. Sedangkan untuk self-efficacy rendah, karena motivasi yang diberikan guru dan keberhasilan temannya, dimensi strenght dan level mengalami perubahan yang cukup signifikan . Namun,karena kedua subjek cenderung memiliki sifat ketidakmampuan untuk menyampaikan pendapat walaupun telah menyelesaikan tugas, sehingga dimensi generalitnya tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh self-efficacy siswa selama proses pembelajaran sehingga dalam proses pembelajaran, guru dapat membantu siswa memahami pelajaran sesuai dengan self-efficacy mereka.
Kata Kunci: Think-Pair-Share, Self-efficacy, Level, Strength,dan Magnitude.
This study aims to determine the description of the influence of think-pair-share learning models on students' mathematical self-efficacy. The subjects of this study were IPS class X students in one of the high schools in Makassar. Taking the subject was done by giving a questionnaire test to students of class X IPS 3, then from these results 6 research subjects are chosen based on existing categories. The instrument used was a self-efficacy questionnaire containing 21 items that corresponded to the dimensions of self-efficacy and lesson plans that were in accordance with the syntax of the think-pair-share learning model. The results of the study showed that self-efficacy of the high category subjects had a good effect. That is because both subjects already have high strength, level, and magnitude dimensions. For self-efficacy, the medium category subject, after giving questions that were not too difficult at the initial meeting and different discussion processes, was able to influence their level dimensions. As for self-efficacy, it is low, because of the motivation given by the teacher and the success of them friends, the strength dimension and level experienced significant changes. However, because both subjects have inability to express opinions even though they have completed the task, so the generality dimension does not experience significant changes. The results of this study to give information about the effect of students' self-efficacy during the learning process so that in the learning process, teachers can help students understand the lessons according to their self-efficacy.
Keywords: Think-Pair-Share, Self-efficacy,Level, Strength, and Magnitude.
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