Journal title | Jurnal Ilara: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian, Aplikasi Teori, Analisa, Dan Pembahasan Kepustakaan tentang Keolahragaan |
Initials | Jour. ILARA |
Abbreviation | jour. Ilara |
Frequency | Quadrinnual (Februari, Mei, Agustus, November ) |
DOI | Prefix 10.26858/ilara by ![]() |
ISSN | 2086-4124 (Cetak) | 2964-5638 (Elektronik) |
Editor-in-chief | xxxxxx |
Publisher | Health and Sport Science Study Programs, Faculty of Sport Science |
Citation | Google Scholar | Garuda |
Jurnal Ilara: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian, Aplikasi Teori, Analisa, Dan Pembahasan Kepustakaan tentang Keolahragaan providing a platform that welcomes and acknowledges high quality empirical original research papers about Sport Tourism, Health and Sport, Physical Activity, Sport Management, Sport Industry, Sport Enterpreneur, and Development of Sport.. Published by Health and Sport Science Study Programs, Faculty of Sport Science.
Jurnal Ilara: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian, Aplikasi Teori, Analisa, Dan Pembahasan Kepustakaan tentang Keolahragaan published biannual, schedule in June and December, and the Journal Editorial invites researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world to submit the manuscript.
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