Analisis Penambahan Additive Batu Gamping Terhadap Kualitas Komposisi Kimia Semen Portland

Ismail Marzuki(1*),

(1) Akademi Analis Kimia YAPIKA Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author




Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kadar senyawa-senyawa oksida, zat tak larut dan hilang pijar pada additive limestone sebagai bahan tambahan semen portland, serta pengaruh zat additive limestone tersebut terhadap komposisi kimia semen portland. Contoh additive limestone dan contoh semen telah ditambah additive limestone diambil dari pabrik semen Bosowa dan dianalisis secara manual menggunakan sejumlah pereaksi tertentu yang sesuai dan prosedur kerja analisis standar SNI tahun 2002. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kadar senyawa oksida additive limestone yang ditambahkan pada semen portland memenuhi standar yang diperbolehkan menurut metode ASTM. Pengaruh additive limestone terhadap komposisi kimia semen berturut-turut : Terjadi penurunan kadar SiO2 rata-rata 0,16%, penurunan kadar Al2O3 rata-rata 0,105%, penurunan kadar Fe2O3 rata-rata 0,048%, penurunan kadar MgO rata-rata 0,035%, dan penurunan kadar SO3 rata-rata 0,005 % setiap penambahan additive limestone 2 %. Penambahan additive limestone terhadap kadar CaO meningkat rata-rata 0,170%, kadar zar tak larut (IR) meningkat rata-rata 0,055%, dan kadar zat hilang pijar meningkat rata-rata 0,88% setiap penambahan additive limestone 2 %.

Kata kunci : additive, limestone, oksida, pengaruh, semen


This research aimed to know the concentration of oxide compounds, in soluble and incandescence substance in iniestone as additive agent on Portland cement, and the influence of the limestone on chemical compotition of the Portland cement. The samples of line stone additive and Portland cement are taken from Bosowa cement factory and analyzed manully by using anumber certain reagent that suitable to procedure of SNI analyzes 2002. Result of analysis indicate that oxide compound rate of additive enhanced limestone at cement of portland fulfill enabled standard according to method of ASTM. Influence of limestone additive to chemical composition cement successively. Happened degradation of mean concentration of SiO2 ocured 0,16%, degradation of rate of Al2O3 mean 0,105%, degradation of rate of Fe2O3 mean 0,048%, degradation of rate of MgO mean 0,035%, and degradation of rate of SO3 mean 0,005 % each, every addition of limestone additive 2 %. Addition of limestone additive to rate of Cao mount mean 0,170%, rate of zar do not be dissolve ( IR) mount mean 0,055%, and rate lose incandescence mount mean 0,88% each, every addition of limestone additive 2 %.

Keyword : additive, limestone, oxide, influence, cement.

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ISSN: 2722-8649

Diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

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