Analysis of Management of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in Pohuwato Regency

Iskandar Ibrahim(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author



The purpose of the study was to find out and explain the process of managing the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in South Marisa Village, Marisa District, Pohuwato Regency and what factors influenced the management of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in Marisa Selatan Village, Marisa District, Pohuwato District. The method in this study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Descriptive form is a form of research that focuses on the actual problems or phenomena at the time of the research and describes the facts about the problem being investigated as followed by accurate interruptions. The informants in this study were, the village head of South Sumatra, the village secretary, the village treasurer, the head of the BPD, the head of the hamlet and the community leaders of South Sumatra. The results of the study show that the ADD Management Process includes Planning, Implementation, Administration, Reporting and Accountability. ADD management carried out by the Government of South Marisa Village, Marisa Subdistrict, Pohuwato Regency has followed the rules of technical guidelines that have been regulated in the legislation. but the process is still not optimal. This can be seen from the reporting process and the liability that has been delayed. For the Realization Reporting Process, the use of ADD is not yet in accordance with the predetermined schedule, causing delays in disbursing the Fund for the next stage. Likewise with the Pertanganggung answer for the use of ADD so that the community cannot evaluate the work of the village government and accountability to the regional government that is not implemented in a timely manner.


Management; Village Fund Allocation; Village.

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