Implementation of Government Policy in Efforts to Overcome Unemployment

Juaharni Juaharni(1*), Imran Ismail(2), Fika Febrianti(3),

(1) Universitas Bosowa
(2) Universitas Bosowa
(3) Universitas Bosowa
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to analyze the Village Government's Efforts in Empowering Pine Sap Farming Communities in Bonto Salama Village, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency. Informants consisted of the Village Head, Village Secretary, Community Empowerment Institutions, and the Pine Sap Farming Community. The focus of this related research is the empowerment of pine resin farming communities in the management of pine tree sap. The research data were obtained through observation, document review, and interviews which were selected based on purposive sampling. The results of the research conducted show that the village government has carried out the duties and functions of the village, namely by encouraging and motivating the community to carry out tapping activities of pine tree sap as a source of income for the village community, as well as providing directions and presenting socialization so that the community gains knowledge about tapping pine tree sap.


Policy implementation, community empowerment, pine resin, West Sinjai.

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