Effort in Overcoming the Gap Elementary School Teacher Arrangement and Equality

Sukri Badaruddin(1*), Manan Sailan(2), Imam Suyitno(3),

(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/ja.v8i1.21759


The mandate of the 1945 Constitution implies that the Government of the State of Indonesia has a constitutional obligation to provide educational services that can be reached by all citizens as a form of high concern for how important education is for the community after being in ignorance for a long time and being a slave to the nations foreigners who have advanced education first. This study aims to uncover and analyze the efforts made to address the gap in the arrangement and distribution of elementary school teachers in the Central Buton Regency. This research uses the type of qualitative research. Namely, it aims to find and collect data through interviews with several individuals or groups of informants who are competent to understand the meaning behind the facts, about the efforts made to address the gap in the arrangement and distribution of elementary school teachers in Central Buton Regency. the type of data in this study is qualitatively obtained through the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. And presented qualitatively by using the stages of analysis, among others, namely data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the efforts made to address the gap in the arrangement and distribution of primary school teachers in the Central Buton Regency took a policy step by recruiting non-civil servant educators. Among the teaching staff recruited by the local government are temporary teachers (non-permanent employees) and also honorary teachers or committee teachers who are recruited by the schools concerned according to their needs in schools to fill teacher shortages.

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