Exposition of Academic Relevance of Hospitality Administration Programs With World-Work Absorption

Islahuddin - Islahuddin(1*), Renold Renold(2), Kusmawati Kusmawati(3), Abdi Abdi(4), Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi(5),

(1) Politektinik Pariwisata Makassar
(2) Politektinik Pariwisata Makassar
(3) Politektinik Pariwisata Makassar
(4) Politektinik Pariwisata Makassar
(5) Politektinik Pariwisata Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/ja.v7i2.13734


The tendency of the accumulation of college graduates, the demands of the world of work and the simultance of the industrial movement 4.0 are three big factors of the times in the context of the importance of structuring the study programs and the  curriculum that is implemented.  Not only as a vision of the government but also a philosophy of science as a basis that there is a responsibility of universities to maintain isomorphi between the three factors with different dimensions. Therefore this research was conducted in a number of Hotels and Poltekpar Makassar Hospitality Administration graduates in South Sulawesi Province. The purpose of the study was to analyze the graduates of Hospitality Administration in order to improve the relevance and quality of graduates of Hospitality Administration, particularly those related to the demands of the labor market and the development of human resource. Data collection techniques through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, documentation studies and Focus Group Discussion (FGD).  The results showed that the absorption capacity of the Poltekpar Makassar Hospitality Administration alumni in several hotels in South Sulawesi reached 87%. From the results of research and in-depth discussion shows that the process of increasing the development of HR is not  optimal, where graduates who have competency certification according to their expertise are still below 70%. The development of human resources through career planning has not been well conceptualized following regulations that tend to prioritized work experience. In terms of human resource development, this shows that in improving the quality of   hospitality administration graduates   has not been analyzed and arranged in accordance with curriculum and stakeholder demands.


Hospitality Administration, Curriculum, working world absorption

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