Knowledge Management: Sustainable Human Resource Development in Public Sector Organizations

Tunggul Prasodjo(1*),

(1) Human Resources Development Agency, South Sulawesi Province
(*) Corresponding Author



Knowledge management in public sector organizations is needed to improve the quality of human resources and the quality of public services. This paper aims to explain the main principles and strategies for developing sustainable management of knowledge in order to improve the quality of human resources in public sector organizations. The method used is descriptive method, which describes the strategy of developing sustainable management of knowledge from various literatures related to human resource development. The results of the literature review show that knowledge management needs to be applied and developed sustainably in every public sector organization. The quality of human resources can be improved through structured knowledge management, as well as public services can increase in line with the increase in the ability or competence of human resources for their work. Human resource governance plays an important role in building a culture of public sector organizations based on knowledge (knowledge culture). Knowledge management can be a solution to reduce the stigma of public sector organizations that are generally rigid, slow, and complicated.


knowledge management; public sector organizations; human Resource Development

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