Muhammad Zakir(1*),

(1) UNM
(*) Corresponding Author



The study aims at (i) describing the logical reasoning of students’ thinking styles as in SK, SA, AK, and AA in solving Mathematics problems at SMPN 2 Pinrang, (ii) production the differences of logical reasoning of those four students with different thinking styles in solving mathematics problems at SMPN 2 Pinrang. The study is a qualitative research. The problems solving used referred to polya’s. In each of problems solving according to Polya, there’s indicator of logical reasoning to be studied. The subjects of the study were taken by employing purposive random sampling technique. Data were collected through interview and written format, which were analyzed using Miles and Huberman model. The credibility of data employed triangulation, observation, and member check. The result of the study describes the logical reasoning of students with different thinking styles. The whole description which contains all components of logical reasoning and connectivity of each element of the profile is described by using tables. The conclusion of the study is obtained in a form of logical reasoning of students who have thinking styles of SK, SA, AK, AA and their differences in solving Mathematics problems at SMPN 2 Pinrang


the logical reasoning of students’ thinking styles as in SK, SA, AK, and AA in solving Mathematics problems

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