The Effect Of Use Implementation of Cooperatif Learning Type Group Investigation on Student Cooperation Capability in Fourth Grade at SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar

Sri Ayuningsi(1*), Nurhaedah Nurhaedah(2), Sayidiman Sayidiman(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



The problem of this study was the low level of collaboration between students in grade IV of SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. The formulation of the problem in this study are: (1) how is the description of cooperative learning model group investigation on the ability of student cooperation? (2) what is the description of students’ collaboration skill? (3) does the use of the cooperative model type group investigation affect the ability of cooperation in the fouth grade students of SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar?. The purpose of this study are: (1) to describe the application of cooperative learning model group investigation  type to the cooperative ability of students, (2) to describe the cooperations ability of students, (3) to find out the effect of using cooperative investigation group effect on studect collaboration ability class IV SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approch with the type of Pre Experiment research. This study uses the Intact Group Comparison research design with a sampling technique using purposive sampling teechnique. The samples used in this study were 24 of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. Data collection techniques in this study used student observation sheets, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results of the study show that: (1) The learning process observed with the observation sheet of learning implementation shows the results of improvement in meetings and is categorized as effective. (2) The ability of students to collaborate in the experimental group increases compared to the control group after giving treatment. (3) It have the positive effect of the use of the cooperative model type group investigation influencing the ability of cooperation in the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar.


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International Journal of Elementary School Teacher

ISSN 2776-6233 (online)


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