Graduate Students’ Perceived Self-Efficacy in Task-Based Learning

Fidelia Ratih Widya Wardani(1*), Concilianus Laos Mbato(2),

(1) Sanata Dharma University
(2) Sanata Dharma University
(*) Corresponding Author



Self-efficacy is very important for graduate students and therefore has to be strongly instilled in order to encourage them to achieve their learning goals successfully including using English to communicate academically. Students are required to be studious and robust in learning and doing assignments. Nevertheless, many students feel anxious about their ability to perform their tasks moreover task-based learning. Conducted during the pandemic situation, this research aimed to investigate graduate students’ perceived self-efficacy in task-based learning. One research question was formulated: How does self-efficacy assist English Education Master Students in TBL learning? This research employed a mixed-method utilizing survey and interview to gather data from English Education Master Students, who had experienced task-based learning in Sanata Dharma University. The result shows that the students’ self-efficacy assisted them to be dare and confident in using the second language as the communicative tool in the TBL approach and achieve their learning goals


Self-efficacy; Perception; Task-based learning; Graduate students

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