Pelatihan penyusunan proposal PTK bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Pinrang

Muhammad Danial(1*), Wahidah Sanusi(2),

(1) Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives to be achieved through IbM activities
are teacher: understanding of the principles and technical of
Classroom Action Research (CAR), steps of CAR activity,
understand the format and components of the CAR proposal
and skillfully preparing to conduct and to write CAR proposal
and to produce CAR proposal draft. The method used to
achieve these objectives are : to present about principles and to
conduct CAR, and to write main essential CAR proposal draft
by Servant team, practice of CAR conducting and writing
CAR proposal draft of worksheet by participants, and to
present of CAR product by participants, and observe and
interviews to participants conducted after and while this
activity. The activity participants are teachers of State
Secondary School of number 4 Pinrang regency City which
amounts 14 persons. The results obtained after the IbM
activities carried out are (1) The participants (teachers from
SDN of number 4 Pinrang regency) has been understood about
the principles and technical of Classroom Action Research
(CAR), steps of CAR activity, understand the format and
components of the CAR proposal draft and skillfully preparing
to conduct and to write CAR proposal, and to produce CAR
proposal draft and (2) The participants is very enthusiast for to
join the CAR workshop activity and to give positive response
of the IbM activity.

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