Pengaruh jogging terhadap perubahan kadar glukosa darah pada pemain futsal

Sarifin G.(1*), Abdul Rahman(2), Rahmat Hidayat(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is descriptive. The population and sample were IKOR FIK UNM Futsal players, selected by purposive sampling obtained a sample of 10 people. Data analysis techniques used t-test using computer facilities through the SPSS 16 program. Based on the results of descriptive analysis showed that, to pretest changes in blood glucose levels before jogging obtained a mean value of 99.60 mg / dl, for posttest changes in blood glucose levels after jogging obtained a mean value of 84.50 mg / dl. The results of the normality test of the research data showed that for pretest p = 0.928 and for posttest p = 0.947 it means that p <0.05, all data variables are normally distributed. The results of the t-paired test showed that the changes in pre-post test blood glucose levels obtained p = 0,000, meaning (p <0.05), which means that there was a significant difference between changes in blood glucose levels before and after jogging. Thus it can be concluded that, there is a significant effect of jogging on changes in blood glucose levels in IKOR FIK UNM Futsal players.

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