Pengembangan sistem informasi publikasi ilmiah menggunakan Model System Development Life Cycle berbasis dynamic web

Dyah Darma Andayani(1*), Gufran Darma Dirawan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to develop a web-based scientific publication information system at Makassar State University. This information system is expected to help the process of publication of lecturers' scientific work and the results of student theses so as to provide convenience for the wider community, especially for lecturers and students at Makassar State University, to access and publish scientific articles. The study was conducted using the Waterfall model as part of the System Developmet Life Cycle (SDLC) Model in the form of dynamic web. Testing this application uses the ISO 9126 testing standard which focuses on four aspects or characteristics, namely functionality, maintainability, protability, and usability. The instrument for testing functionality uses the white box testing method, for testing reliability using WebServer Stress Tool software, for portability testing using browserstack software, while for usability testing using a questionnaire containing 19 questions. The test results of the functionalities for the Accurancy and Suitability sub characteristics show a 100% feasibility level. For the reliability test results the system is declared feasible because the system can run well with 5 simultaneous users with an average time of 20 seconds with a 100% success rate of access. In the portability test shows that it has met the feasibility test, the usability test shows a feasibility level of 87%.

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