Pengembangan E-book IPA Fisika Berbasis Program Sigil Peserta Didik SMPN 23 Simbang Kabupaten Maros

Merita Wijayanti K(1*),

(1) SMPN 23 Simbang
(*) Corresponding Author


Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi sumber belajar harus mampu menampilkan gambar, audio dan video dalam satu paket buku sehingga dapat membantu peserta didik memvisualisasikan pembelajaran yang bersifat abstrak. Salah satu alternatif sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan adalah buku digital (e-book). Salah satu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat buku digital adalah sigil yang dapat mengkonversi file word menjadi file berekstensi ePub yang dapat dibaca melalui laptop atau komputer dan handphone yang memiliki aplikasi pembaca buku digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (i) mendeskripsikan hasil pengembangan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil ditinjau dari sisi validasi muka; (ii) mendeskripsikan hasil pengembangan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil ditinjau dari sisi validasi ahli; (iii) menganalisis respon peserta didik kelas IX terhadap e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil; (iv) menganalisis respon guru terhadap e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil; (v) menganalisis efektivitas penerapan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil pada peserta didik kelas IX SMPN 23 Simbang kabupaten Maros. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D) yang mengacu pada model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil dinyatakan valid dan reliabel jika ditinjau dari sisi validasi muka dan validasi ahli, sehingga layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA Fisika. Penerapan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil dalam pembelajaran memberikan nilai respon peserta didik dan guru yang positif. Analisis tes hasil belajar menunjukkan kelas yang menerapan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil dalam pembelajaran lebih efektif jika dibandingkan dengan kelas yang tidak menerapkan e-book IPA Fisika berbasis program sigil dalam pembelajaran. 

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, E-Book IPA Fisika, Program Sigil

Along with the development of information technology learning resources must be able to display images, audio and video in a package of books so that it can help students visualize abstract learning. One alternative learning resource that can be used is digital books (e-books). One application that can be used to create a digital book is sigil, which can convert word files into ePub extension files that can be read through laptops or computers and mobile phones that have digital book reader applications. The purpose of this study was (i) to describe the results of the development of a sigil-based Physics Science Science e-book in terms of face validation; (ii) describe the results of the development of a sigil-based Physics Science Science e-book in terms of expert validation; (iii) analyze the responses of class IX students to Physics program based on sigil programs; (iv) analyze the teacher's response to the Physics program based on the sigil program; (v) analyze the effectiveness of the sigil-based program of Physics Science e-books on class IX students of Simbang 23 Junior High School in Maros district. This research is development research (R & D) which refers to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results showed that the physics science-based science e-book was declared valid and reliable if viewed from the side of face validation and expert validation, so that it was suitable for use in science learning physics. The application of the Physics Science e-book based on the sigil program in learning provides positive student and teacher response values. The analysis of the learning outcomes test showed that the classes that applied the Physics Science e-book based on the sigil program in learning were more effective compared to the classes that did not apply the Physics Science-based e-book based on the sigil program in learning.

Keywords: Development, Science Physics E-Book, Sigil Program


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