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Author Guidelines

General requirements


  1. Maximum article length of 20 items (including literature, notes, and tables)
  2. Attach a statement that the article has never been published before, anywhere and in any form.
  3. Every article will be tested for plagiarism / tracing
  4. The research article includes 8 components.

Subcomponents are not given an explanation (except the results and discussion components), but an indication of the sub-components is in the first sentence of a paragraph of that component.
1. Articles are presented with the following components:
Title: a maximum of 12 words for articles in Indonesian and 10 words for articles in English. The title is typed in Times New Roman, 12 in bold.
Author's name: or writers typed under the title in Times New Roman 10 font in bold, without title and may not be abbreviated. Under the name are the fields of expertise, the name of the institution and the email address of the author.
Abstract: no more than 200 words, written in English and Indonesian, in one paragraph containing: research objectives, research methods, analytical techniques and research results. Typed in Times New Roman font, single spaced, and italicized. Under the abstract there are keywords up to 5 words, separated by commas, typed double spaces below the abstract.
Introduction: Introduction typed in capital letters [Times New Roman 12 bold font] contains background to overcome a problem, urgency and rationalization of activities, literature review, problem solving plan, activity objectives, and hypothesis development [Times New Roman font, 11, normal]
Method: The research method describes: approach, scope or object, operational definition of the variable / description of the research focus, place, population and sample / informant, main materials and tools, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques [font Times New Roman, 11 , Normal]
Results and Discussion: The results of the study are presented in full and in accordance with the scope of the study. Research results can be supplemented by tables, graphs (figures), and / or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and given a title. The results of data analysis are interpreted correctly. The discussion section presents the findings logically, linking them with relevant reference sources. [Times New Roman, 11, normal].
Conclusions: Conclusions contain a brief summary of the results of research and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to research questions or research objectives. The results of the study provide suggestions / contributions to the application and / or development of knowledge. [Times New Roman, 11, normal].
Reference List: Contains referenced sources and at least 80% is in the form of literature in the last 5 years. The reference list is written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Fifth edition. All sources listed in the bibliography must be in the article text.

  1. Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. By using Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing on A4 paper.
  2. Every article to be published by the author is obliged to contribute to the cost of publishing.
  3. People who want journals in printed form can get in touch with journal managers
  4. Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. By using Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing on A4 paper. Paper format 3-3-2-2 (left-top-right-bottom).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Naskah yang dikirim ke redaksi belum pernah diterbitkan atau tidak sedang dalam proses pengajuan untuk diterbitkan di Media Cetak atau Media Online. Naskah tersebut berupa Cetakan (hard copy) dan file (soft copy) dengan jumlah 20-25 halaman. dalam ketikan kertas kuarto A4 menggunakan jenis hurul Arial Ukuran 12 point. Ketikan menggunakan spasi ganda dengan batas atas bawah 3 cm serta batas kiri dan kanan 2,5 cm.
  2. Naskah berupa tulisan hasil penelitian, survei, hipotesis, atau gagasan orisinal yang kritis, mencerahkan dan membuka wawasan.
  3. Naskah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
  4. Sistematika dalam penulisan naskah disusun sebagai berikut:

    a. Judul naskah ditulis antara 5-15 kata dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.

    b. Nama Lengkap penulis tanpa gelar kesarjanaan dan gelar lain. Nama lengkap dan gelar ditulis diakhir tulisan. nama disertasi institusi asal dan alamat lengkap termasuk alamat email guna keperluan korespondensi.

    c. Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris memuat ringkasan tujuan, metode penelitian, hasil diperoleh serta simpulan. Abstrak dibuat dalam alinea tersendiri dengan maksimal 100 kata. kata kunci atau key words maksimal lima kata.

    d. Pendahuluan (tanpa subbab), memuat latar belakang permasalahan, masalah dan tujuan penelitian serta ulasan studi sebelumnya.

    e. Metode penelitian mengandung sistematika penelitian mencakup metode prosedur dan instrumentasi dalam penelitian. Khusus kajian bersifat konseptual pada bagian metode dapat ditiadakan.

    f. Pembahasan berisi hasil penelitian dilengkapi ilustrasi berupa tabel, grafik, gambar, dan foto sekiranya diperlukan.

    g. Simpulan berupa pernyataan singkat dan jelas tentang hasil penelitian.

    h. Daftar Pustaka

  5. Catata kaki sedapat mungkin dihindari kecuali untuk penjelasan tambahan.
  6. Penulisan Daftar Pustaka disesuaikan urutan abjad secara alfabetis dan kronologis.

    a. Buku: Nama Penulis, tahun terbit, judul. Kota Penerbit. Contoh: Abustam, Idrus., 1989. Gerak Penduduk dan Perubahan Sosial pada Komunitas Padi Sawah. Jakarta: UI Press.

    b. Tulisan dalam buku: nama penulis, tahun, judul tulisan, nama editor, judul buku. Kota: penerbit. Contoh: Siswoyo, Gudo. 2011. Ancaman dari Etnosentrisme dan Etnonasionalisme. Dalam Bungaran Antonius Simanjuntak (ed). Otonomi Daerah, Etnonasionalisme dan Masa Depan Indonesia.Jakarta. Yayasan Buku Obor.

    c. Tulisan dalam majalah atau jurnal: nama penulis.tahun.judul karangan.nama majalah atau jurnal (volume/nomor). halaman Contoh: Marzali, Amri. 2011. Pemetaan Sosial-Politik Kelompok Etnik Cina di Indonesia. Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia. (XXXVII/2). halaman 1-23.

    d. Buku terjemahan: penulis.tahun.judul.diterjemahkan oleh.kota:penerbit. Contoh: Samuel P. Huntington. 2005. Benturan Antar Peradaban dan Masa Depan Politik Dunia. Diterjemahkan leh M. Sadat Ismail. Jogyakarta. Qalam.


  7. Pengirim Naskah: Tulisan dikirim dalam dua bentuk yaitu: 1. file elektronik dan 2. naskah cetak (2 copy) ditujukan kepada:

    a. File Elektronik

    b. Naskah tercetak: Pemimpin Redaksi Jurnal Dialektika Kontemporer Program Studi S3 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. Bontolangkasa Makassar Sulawesi Selatan 90222 Telp. (0411)830368 - (0411) 855288.


Copyright Notice

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.  Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer offers all authors of journal articles allows their research openly available, free access and time restrictions.

All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Under the CC-BY license (  , authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but authors grant others permission to use the content of publications in  Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer in whole or in part provided that the original work is properly cited. Users (redistributors) of  JJurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer are required to cite the original source, including the author's names, Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer as the initial source of publication, year of publication, volume number

Copyright encompasses exclusive rights to reproduce and deliver the article in all form and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and any other similar reproductions, as well as translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or media, such as electronic, electrostatic and mechanical copies, photocopies, recordings, magnetic media.


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Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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