Pengaruh Future Time Perspective Terhadap Kematangan Karir Pada Mahasiswa

Aully Grashinta(1*), Adinda Putri Istiqomah(2), Endro Puspo Wiroko(3),

(1) Universitas Pancasila
(2) Psikologi, Universitas Pancasila
(3) Psikologi Indurstri dan Organisasi, Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Pancasila
(*) Corresponding Author



One reason of the high unemployment is the lack of career planning. The individu needs career maturity and views about the future (future time perspective) so that she/he can choose the right job. This research aimed to determine the influence of future time perspective toward career maturity in college student. This study used a quantitative approach. Sample in this study are 156 of college students in Jabodetabek.The measurement tools is Carstensen and Lang Future Time Perspective scale (CL-FTP) and Career Maturity Inventory form C (IMC form C). The result shos that future time perspective affecting positively to career maturity in college student significantly (R2= 0.139; p = 0.000). Simple linear regression analysis stated that future time perspective contributed 13,9% to the career maturity and 86,1% influenced by other factors.


future time perspective; career maturity; college student

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