Bedilius Gunur(1*), Apolonia Hendrice Ramda(2), Alberta Parinters Makur(3),

(1) STKIP Santu Paulus
(2) STKIP Santu Paulus
(3) STKIP Santu Paulus
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jds.v7i2.9810


This study aims to compare the mathematical connection abilities of students who take cooperative learning with the Open-Ended approach with students' mathematical connection skills who follow learning with conventional approaches. This research is a quasi-experimental study with the design of posttest only control group design. The population is all students of class X SMK Aloysius Ruteng with the number of students. Sampling is done using random sampling techniques, with the first class equivalence test. Data on students' mathematical connection abilities were collected using tests and interviews. Test in the form of a description question. Data were analyzed using t-test. The results of the analysis show that thitung = 4.645 and ttable = 1.999 at the level of significance and degrees of freedom dk = n1 + n1 - 2. Because tcount t table H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted which means that students' mathematical connection ability that follows cooperative learning with an open-ended approach is more better than students' mathematical connection skills that follow a conventional learning approach. In students who have a high initial ability to give treatment does not significantly affect the increase in the average value of students' mathematical connection abilities. In students who have the initial ability to be given treatment, it is quite significant in increasing the average value of mathematical connection abilities, while in students who have a low initial ability to give treatment does not affect the increase in the average value of mathematical connection abilities.


Cooperative; Open-Ended; Mathematical Connection

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