Muhammad Raisudin(1*),

(1) UNM
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jds.v3i2.3227


This research is a research development that refers to 4-D development model with stages: (a) define, (b) design stage, (c) development stage, and ( D) dissemination stage. This study aims to produce learning tools involving interpersonal intelligence that includes RPP, LKS and student books. Expert and practitioner validation results show that the student's book is valid () = (4.18), Valid LKS () = (4.18), and RPP is very valid () = (3,62). Furthermore, it is tested in Class IX-6 SMP Negeri 36 Makassar with the following results: (1) learning tools are practical with the criteria of the device fully implemented () = 1.90, (2) learning tools have been effective because it has met 3 of 4 indicators effectiveness , That is: classical thoroughness of learning result test have been reached (88,8%), teacher ability to manage learning is in high category () = (3,48), and student response is in positive category. The results of this study resulted in learning tools of mathematical cooperative setting involving interpersonal intelligence meet the criteria of validity, practicality and effectiveness. It is therefore recommended to the math teacher to implement this device on a wider scope


Cooperative setting; intelligence Interpersonal; Mathematics learning

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